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Jorik Van den Bosch
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Struggling to acquire new clients? Curious about the newest cold outreach sales methodologies and techniques? Facing complex and long business development cycles?

I’ll help you find and convert new cold leads

into customers!

Jorik van Den Bosch
Jorik Van den Bosch  Coaching

Cold outreach training  & Keynotes

Train your team on the

newest sales techniques,

tools and methodologies.

Get insights in the newest

trends and learn about

success stories & use

cases of other companies.

Jorik Van den Bosch

Individual sales coaching

Together we enhance your

sales skills by individual

coaching on outbound

sales techniques, sales

methods, scripts, complex

industrial sales cycli and

so on).

Jorik Van den Bosch

B2B Sales Machine in your company

I build a sales machine in your company so you no longer have to worry about prospecting. The machine ensures that new leads are contacted, nurtured, and converted, preparing them for a meeting with you.

How to build your own B2B Sales Machine?

Discover my free e-book filled with

frameworks, tips, tricks, and templates on

building a sales machine.


In this FREE e-book, I discuss how to write an

effective cold email, make a powerful cold

call, and reach out to a cold lead on LinkedIn.


Elevate your outbound sales with this

essential guide.


Download it now and attract more quality

customers from your prospecting efforts!

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Jorik Van den Bosch

Jorik Van den Bosch holds degrees in both Aerospace Engineering and Business Economics. He has spearheaded sales and business development initiatives for over ten high-tech companies, led multiple startups, and, in collaboration with UNIZO and imec, guided more than 200 Flemish businesses in innovation, sales, and marketing.


His extensive background combines technical expertise with a keen understanding of the commercial landscape, making him a seasoned navigator in the world of sales & business development.

What my clients say

Jorik Van den Bosch klanten

Jorik provided me with insights on how to approach customers, always think in terms of solutions, and maintain momentum in the conversation. From the initial introduction on the trade show floor, through the follow-up meeting, to the project proposal, he offered great assistance.



Upcoming events & trainings


Sales & AI Tools from Lead Generation to Closing (Brussels)

This session is designed as an inspiring exploration of the broad possibilities of lead generation, lead enrichment, and sales automation tools.


The Ultimate B2B Cold Prospecting Training (Gent)

Get more out of your cold prospecting: learn how to identify decision-makers, handle objections, and discover effective strategies, scripts, and templates to help you maximize your outreach via email, LinkedIn, and cold calls.

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Sales & Tools from Lead Generation to Closing (Vilvoorde)

From smart prospecting to closing in 2025. In this hands-on training, Michael Humblet & Jorik Van den Bosch show you how to win with cold outreach, sales pitches, cadences, and AI tools. Everything you need to stand out in B2B sales.


Wennovate BV

Romeinse weg 14 9000 Gent

+32 484 907 190

BE0761 335 776

Jorik Van den Bosch
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